Thursday, January 7, 2010


Aphas by Lisi Harrison @ Forever A Young Adult
by Lisi Harrison
272 pages

Why would anyone want to be an Alpha?

I am really trying to think of a better way to put this, but I just can't. Alphas is the type of book that gives all YA books a bad name. I know there are a huge following for Lisi Harrison books and others like them, and I have tried to find some redeeming factors, but there are none.

Alpha is this super prestigious private school for girls. It was created by the Oprah type Aussie who is the most powerful woman on the planet. Only 100 girls are selected and if they don't live up to Alpha standards they are given the boot.

The book focuses on three bunk mates during their first few days at Alpha Academy. Each has their own back story and their own secrets. The girls each try to find their place at the new school while discovering all the amazing things it has to offer as well as all the things Alpha can take from you.

The book does move quickly and I was disappointed that it ended on such a cliffhanger but only because I don't want to read the next one. I hated the way it ended and I do hope that the only decent character comes out on top in the next installment.

I somewhat liked one character, but hated all the others. They are catty and mean. I know that is supposed to be the point of the school, but how can you read a book when you hate everyone? I think it sends the wrong message to young women. The focus is on boys, cloths, beauty and being the best even if it means hurting others. Sorry, I just don't get the appeal.

The verdict is: Leave this one on the shelf.

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